Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Moscow, you best get yourself ready

I've arrived!  Seventeen hours, three flights, and two bags later, I'm finally in Moscow.

As I write, I'm sitting in a beautiful apartment belonging to a contact named Tom's family; Tom was kind enough to let me stay with him and his family while I'm in Moscow the next couple of days.

I'm already encountering a familiar and unpleasant sensation here in Russia: I have next to no idea what people are saying at any given moment.  It'll only take a couple weeks for me to be back into the swing of things, but it's frustrating for the time being. Tom just helped my buy a cell phone (which cost me a grand total of $30 to buy the phone and get the service, America is a rip-off, and I'd also like to add that my $20 phone comes with a little flashlight on top AND FM radio), and without him I would have been a lamb among wolves.  Literally.  It was all 20-something Russian dudes.  I'd have been toast.

Today I'm going to roam around the hood and explore, maybe buy some nail polish.  I'm incredibly tired, but I'm not going to allow myself to sleep until 9pm tonight.  I'm very much in the rip-the-band aid-off camp of overcoming jet lag.  But right now the whole room is bobbing up and down, so we'll see.

Tomorrow, my buddy Dalen is coming in from one of the suburbs and we're going to see the sights of Moscow.  He and I studied together at the University of Montana, and it will be fun to pal around and see Lenin.

Well, the guest room where I'm staying looks like a war zone, so I'd better organize before I fall asleep!

Пока ребята, Russian Jane

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